Control Center
Monitor dashboard
The Control Center dashboard is a customizable visual display providing a quick security overview of all protected endpoints and network status.
Dashboard portlets display various real-time security information using easy-to-read charts, thus allowing you to quickly identify any issues that might require your attention.

This is what you need to know about dashboard portlets:
Control Center comes with several predefined dashboard portlets.
Each dashboard portlet includes a detailed report in the background, accessible with just one click on the chart.
There are several types of portlets that include various information about your endpoint protection, such as update status, malware status, firewall activity.
By default, the portlets retrieve data for the current day and, unlike reports, cannot be set for longer intervals than one month.
The information displayed via portlets refers to endpoints under your account only. You can customize each portlet's target and preferences using the dashboard.edit Edit Portlet command.
Click the chart legend entries, when available, to hide or display the corresponding variable on the graph.
The portlets are displayed in groups of four. Use the vertical scroll bar or the up and down arrow keys to navigate between portlet groups.
For several report types, you have the option to instantly run specific tasks on target endpoints, without having to go to the Network page from the left side menu to run the task (for example, scan infected endpoints or update endpoints). Use the button at the lower side of the portlet to take the available action.
The dashboard is easy to configure, based on individual preferences. You can edit portlet settings, add additional portlets, remove or rearrange existing portlets.
Refreshing portlet data
To make sure the portlet displays the latest information, click the Refresh icon on its title bar.
To update the information for all the portlets at once, click the Refresh Portlets at the top of the dashboard.
Editing portlet settings
Some portlets offer status information, while other report on security events in the last period. You can check and configure the reporting period of a portlet by clicking the Edit Portlet icon on its title bar.
Adding a new portlet
You can add other portlets to obtain the information you need.
To add a new portlet:
Log in to GravityZone Control Center.
Go to the Dashboard page from the left side menu.
Click the
Add Portlet button at the upper side of the console. The configuration window is displayed.
Under the Details tab, configure the portlet details:
Type of background report
Suggestive portlet name
The time interval for the events to be reported
For more information on available report types, refer to Report Types.
Under the Targets tab, select the network objects and groups to include.
Click Save.
Removing a portlet
You can easily remove any portlet by clicking the Remove icon on its title bar. Once you remove a portlet, you can no longer recover it. However, you can create another portlet with the exact same settings.
Rearranging portlets
You can rearrange dashboard portlets to better suit your needs. To rearrange portlets:
Log in to GravityZone Control Center.
Go to the Dashboard page from the left side menu.
Drag and drop each portlet to the desired position. All other portlets between the new and old positions are moved to preserve their order.
You can move portlets only within the positions already taken.
License management
Checking current license details
To view your license details:
Log in to Control Center using a Partner or Company Administrator account.
Click the
user icon in the upper-right corner of the console and select My Company.
Check details about the current license in the License section. You can also click the Check button and wait until Control Center retrieves the latest information about the current license key.
Transition to GravityZone MSP monthly licensing
This section describes how to transition to MSP monthly licensing.
To transition to MSP monthly licensing, create a new Partner company and a user account with a different email address. Set the License type to Monthly Subscription when setting up the new company:
Go to the Companies page from the left side menu and select Add.
Fill in the Company details, and under License, select Monthly Subscription.
Select Save.
As a Bitdefender managed service provider (MSP), you will be able to offer Bitdefender cloud security products, add-ons, and services in a flexible manner, in accordance with the needs of your clients with monthly license.
Useful links: