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The Microsoft Intune sensor

The Microsoft Intune sensor collects and pre-processes device-related data.

Microsoft Intune sensor prerequisites

Before setting up the Microsoft Intune sensor, make sure the following requirements are met:

  1. Register your managed application in Microsoft Azure AD, unless you have one already.

  2. In the API Permissions > Microsoft Graph application section, grant the following permission: DeviceManagementApps.Read.All.


    DeviceManagementApps.Read.All requires an Azure AD Premium P1 license.

  3. Grant Admin consent.

  4. Generate Client secret, unless you have one already.

Setting up the Microsoft Intune sensor

To configure the Microsoft Intune sensor, follow these steps:

  1. In the Configuration > Sensors Management page, select Add new to integrate a new sensor.

  2. Select the company where you want to deploy the sensor.

  3. Select the Microsoft Intune sensor and click Integrate.

  4. On the Check Requirements page, confirm that the prerequisite steps have been completed.

  5. Name the integration and provide the necessary Microsoft Intune details.

  6. Select Test connectivity.

  7. Select Add sensor.

    The new integration will be available in the Sensors Management grid.