Supported file types
Antimalware file scanning
The Antimalware scanning engines included in the Bitdefender security solutions can scan all types of files that may contain threats. The list below includes the most common types of files that are being analyzed.
{*; 386; 3g2; 3gg; 7z; a6p; ac; accda; accdb; accdc; accde; accdr; accdt; accdu; acl; acm; acr; action; ade; adp; ain; air; app; ar; arc; arj; as; asd; asf; asp; au; avi; awk; ax; bas; bat; bin; bmp; boo; bz; bz2; bzip2; cab; cal; cgi; chm; cla; class; cmd; cnv; com; cpio; cpl; cru; crush; csc; csh; dat; dcx; deb
(with gzip, bzip2, xz
); dek; dld; dll; dmg
(with HFS
); doc; docm; docx; dot; dotm; dotx; drv; drw; ds; ds4; dtd; ebm; emf; eml; eps; esh; exe; ezs; flac; fky; frs; fxp; gadget; gif; grv; gx2; gz; gzip; hap; hlp; hms; hta; htm; html; htt; iaf; icd; ico; img; inf; ini; inx; ipf; iso; isu; jar; jfif; jpe; jpeg; jpg; js; jse; jsx; kix; laccdb; lha; lzh; lnk; maf; mam; maq; mar; mat; mcr; mda; mdb; mde; mdt; mdw; mem; mhtml; mid; mmf; mov; mp3; mp4; mpd; mpeg; mpg; mpp; mpt; mpx; ms; msg; msi; mso; msp; mst; msu; nws; oab; obd; obi; obs; obt; ocx; odt; oft; ogg; ole; one; onepkg; osci; ost; ovl; pa; paf; pak; pat; pci; pcx; pdf; pex; pfd; pgm; php; pif; pip; png; pot; potm; potx; ppa; ppam; pps; ppsm; ppsx; ppt; pptm; pptx; ppz; prc; prf; prg; ps1; psd; psp; pst; pub; puz; pvd; pwc; pwz; py; pyc; pyo; qpx; qt; qxd; ra; ram; rar; rbx; rgb; rgs; rm; rox; rpj; rpm
(with cpio, gzip, bzip2, xz
); rtf; scar; scr; script; sct; sdr; sh3; shb; shs; shw; sit; sldm; sldx; smm; snp; snt; spr; src; svd; swf; sym; sys; tar; tar.z; tb2; tbz2; td0; tgz; thmx; tif; tiff; tlb; tms; tsp; tt6; u3p; udf; ufa; url; vb; vbe; vbs; vbscript; vwp; vxd; wav; wbk; wbt; wcm; wdm; wiz; wks; wll; wmf; wml; wpc; wpf; wpg; wpk; wpl; ws; ws2; wsc; wsf; wsh; xar; xl; xla; xlam; xlb; xlc; xll; xlm; xls; xlsb; xlsm; xlsx; xlt; xltm; xltx; xlw; xml; xqt; xsf; xsn; xtp; xz; z; zip; zl?; zoo
Application file types
The Antimalware scanning engines included in the Bitdefender security solutions can be configured to limit scanning to application (or program) files only. Application files are far more vulnerable to malware attacks than other types of files.
This category includes files with the following extensions:
386; a6p; ac; accda; accdb; accdc; accde; accdp; accdr; accdt; accdu; acl; acr; action; ade; adp; air; app; as; asd; asp; awk; bas; bat; bin; cgi; chm; cla; class; cmd; cnv; com; cpl; csc; csh; dat; dek; dld; dll; doc; docm; docx; dot; dotm; dotx; drv; ds; ebm; esh; exe; ezs; fky; frs; fxp; gadget; grv; hlp; hms; hta; htm; html; iaf; icd; ini; inx; ipf; iso; isu; jar; js; jse; jsx; kix; laccdb; lnk; maf; mam; maq; mar; mat; mcr; mda; mdb; mde; mdt; mdw; mem; mhtml; mpp; mpt; mpx; ms; msg; msi; msp; mst; msu; oab; obi; obs; ocx; oft; ole; one; onepkg; ost; ovl; pa; paf; pex; pfd; php; pif; pip; pot; potm; potx; ppa; ppam; pps; ppsm; ppsx; ppt; pptm; pptx; prc; prf; prg; ps1; pst; pub; puz; pvd; pwc; py; pyc; pyo; qpx; rbx; rgs; rox; rpj; rtf; scar; scr; script; sct; shb; shs; sldm; sldx; smm; snp; spr; svd; sys; thmx; tlb; tms; u3p; udf; url; vb; vbe; vbs; vbscript; vxd; wbk; wcm; wdm; wiz; wll; wpk; ws; wsf; xar; xl; xla; xlam; xlb; xlc; xll; xlm; xls; xlsb; xlsm; xlsx; xlt; xltm; xltx; xlw; xml; xqt; xsf; xsn; xtp
Ransomware Mitigation
Only the following file types are monitored and backed up by the Ransomware Mitigation feature:
, .ai
, .arw
, .bay
, .cdr
, .cer
, .cr2
, .crt
, .crw
, .dcr
, .der
, .dll
, .dng
, .doc
, .docm
, .docx
, .dwg
, .dxf
, .dxg
, .eps
, .erf
, .exe
, .indd
, .jpe
, .jpeg
, .jpg
, .mdf
, .mef
, .mrw
, .nef
, .nrw
, .odb
, .odc
, .odm
, .odp
, .ods
, .odt
, .orf
, .p12
, .p7b
, .p7c
, .pdd
, .pdf
, .pef
, .pem
, .pfx
, .ppt
, .pptm
, .pptx
, .psd
, .pst
, .ptx
, .png
, .r3d
, .raf
, .rtf
, .rw2
, .rwl
, .sr2
, .srf
, .srw
, .wb2
, .wpd
, .wps
, .x3f
, .xlk
, .xls
, .xlsb
, .xlsm
, .xlsx
, .msg
, .py
, .ini
, .xml
, .msi
, .cab
, .tsf
, .dgn
Application Blacklisting
The following extensions are supported by the Application Blacklisting feature:
. .cmd
, .js
, .vbs
, ps1
, .jar
, .scr
, .hta
, .reg
, .lnk
, .msi
, .cpl
, .com
, .pif
, .tmp
, .dll
, .exe