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Resolving malware not detected by Bitdefender

Some files may not be detected by Bitdefender even if they are malicious. They are called false negatives and usually occur when the malware uses new (unexplored) techniques.

To promptly resolve this issue, we kindly ask you to send us the malicious files as described below:

  1. Locate the files on your drive.

  2. Add the malware files to a .zip file using the file compression software of your choice (WinZip, WinRAR, etc.).

  3. Go to the Sample or URL Submit form.

  4. Complete the submission form with:

    • Your Bitdefender product

    • The category type (False Negative)

    • Your contact details

    • The sample type (File)

    • The .zip file storing the malware files (upload via the Choose Files field from the Attach a file section)


      If the archive is bigger than 25 MB, please contact the Bitdefender Enterprise Support.

  5. Click the Submit button.


  • The files that you send us will be used for malware analysis only and will be treated accordingly.

  • Samples provided through the online submission form are automatically encrypted to prevent corruption or mishandling.

False negative reports are corrected as soon as possible once we receive the samples.

In case you suspect that your computer is infected, but Bitdefender does not detect any malware and you are uncertain of the source of malicious behavior, use the BdSysLog scanning tool. For more information, refer to Using BdSysLog to submit forensic information and suspicious files for analysis.