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Feature dependencies

This article provides you with a basic checklist for what a feature requires to function on a specific endpoint.

The columns present the following information:

  • Feature - The name of the feature.

  • Policy activation – Indicates where you can go to check if the feature is activated on any given policy.

    Click on the Default Bitdefender policy to check if the feature is activated by default in the policy that is automatically available for new companies.


    To check what policy is applied on a specific endpoint you can go to the Network page from the left side menu, display the endpoint details, and view the information in the Policy tab.

    You can run a Policy Compliance report to view what policies are deployed on a list of selected endpoints.

  • Is the feature enabled in the default GravityZoneCloud policy - Indicates if the feature is activated by default in the policy that is automatically available for new companies.


    The default license your company is using might be different.

  • Modules deployed on endpoint – This column specifies if the feature requires any specific module to be deployed on endpoints for the feature to function.

  • Additional dependencies – Includes any other requirements that do not fit into the above categories.


Refer to this article to see if any specific feature is included in your license.


Policy activation

Enabled in the default policy

Modules needed to be deployed on the endpoint

Additional dependencies


You can enable the feature from the Antimalware > On-access > On-access Scanning setting.

Enabled by default


The feature provides further functionality that can be enabled from the Antimalware page, in the the policy applied to the endpoint.

Advanced Anti-Exploit

You can enable the feature from the Antimalware > Advanced Anti-Exploit > Advanced Anti-Exploit setting.

Enabled by default

Advanced Anti-Exploit

The feature provides further functionality that can be enabled from the Antimalware > Settings  page, in the the policy applied to the endpoint.

Advanced Threat Control

You can enable the feature from the Antimalware > On-execute > Advanced Threat Control setting.

Enabled by default

Advanced Threat Control

The feature provides further functionality that can be enabled from the Antimalware > Settings page, in the the policy applied to the endpoint.


You can enable the feature from the Incident Sensor > Incident Sensor setting.

Not enabled by default

EDR Sensor


Fileless Attack Protection

You can enable the feature from the Antimalware > On-execute > Fileless Attack Protection setting.

Enabled by default


The feature provides further functionality that can be enabled from the following settings in the the policy applied to the endpoint.

  • The Antimalware > Settings page.

  • The Antimalware > On-execute > Fileless Attack Protection page, from the Command-Line Scanner and Antimalware Scan Interface Security Provider settings.


You can enable the feature from the Firewall > Firewall setting.


If using an installation package created prior to the release of the Firewall feature on Windows Servers, activating the feature in the applied policy will have no effect on the endpoint.

Enabled by default




You can enable the feature from the Antimalware > Hyper Detect > Hyper Detect setting.

Enabled by default



Network Attack Defense

You can enable the feature from the Network Protection > General > Network Protection setting.

Enabled by default

Network Protection > Network Attack Defense


eXtended Detection and Response

You can enable the feature from the Incident Sensor > Incident Sensor setting.

Not enabled by default

EDR Sensor

  • Sensors need to be added from the Configuration > Sensors Management page.

  • The following prerequisites must be met on the domain where the endpoints are located:

    • All domain controllers must have the BEST agent installed with the EDR Sensor module included.

    • All domain controllers must have a policy assigned that has the EDR feature enabled under the Incident Sensor page.

  • The following settings must be set in Active Directory:

    • With the exception of Global Object Access Auditing policies, all group policies in Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Advanced Audit Policy Configuration > Audit Policies must be set to audit all login events.

    Each sensor requires a specific license:

Content Control

You can enable the feature from the Network Protection > General > Network Protection setting.

Enabled by default

Network Protection > Content Control

The feature provides additional functionality that you can enable and configure from the Network Protection > Content Control policy page.

Device Control

You can enable the feature from the Device Control > Device Control setting.

Not enabled by default

Device Control


Endpoint Risk Analytics

You can enable the feature from the Risk Management > Risk Management setting.

Not enabled by default

This feature requires BEST to be installed on endpoints, but does not require any particular module to be deployed.


Full Disk Encryption

You can enable the feature from the Encryption > General > Encryption Management page.

Not enabled by default



Integrity Monitoring

You can enable the feature from the Integrity Monitoring > Real time > Enable real-time monitoring setting.

Not enabled by default

Integrity Monitoring

Requires a rule set to be created and added to the applied policy.

Patch Management

This feature does not require policy activation.


Patch Management

Requires maintenance windows to be created from the Policies > Configuration Profiles page and assigned to the policy installed on the endpoint..

Security for Exchange

This feature does not require policy activation.


Exchange Protection

Requires User Groups to be created and configured for the policy.

Sandbox Analyzer - console submissions

This feature does not require policy activation.


This feature works independently of endpoints.


Sandbox Analyzer - endpoint submissions

You can enable the feature from the Sandbox Analyzer > Endpoint Sensor section, by selecting the Automatic sample submission from managed endpoints check box.

Not enabled by default

This feature requires the BEST agent to be installed on an endpoint, but does not require any specific module to be deployed.


Email Security

This feature does not require policy activation.


This feature works independently of endpoints.


GravityZone Security for Containers

This feature does not require policy activation.


  • Container Protection

  • Advanced Anti-Exploit

  • EDR

Requires the following options to be enabled in the policy applied to the endpoint:

  • Antimalware > On-Access > On-access scanning

  • Antimalware > Advanced Anti-Exploit > Advanced Anti-Exploit

  • Incident Sensor > Incident Sensor

Mobile Security

This feature does not require policy activation.


This feature only works with mobile devices, which use the Bitdefender GravityZone MTD agent.


Ransomware Mitigation

You can enable the feature from the Antimalware > On-Execute > Ransomware Mitigation setting.

Not enabled by default

  • Antimalware

  • Advanced Threat Control

  • Requires the following options to be enabled in the policy applied to the endpoint:

    • Antimalware > On-Execute > Advanced Threat Control

    • Antimalware > On-Access > On access-Scanning

  • Requires the installation package used to install the security agent on the endpoint to have the Detection and prevention mode selected.

  • The feature provides further functionality that can be enabled from the Antimalware > Settings and Antimalware > Security Servers pages, in the the policy applied to the endpoint.

Web Traffic Scan

You can enable the feature from the Network Protection > Web Protection > Web Traffic Scan setting.

Enabled by default

Network Protection > Web Traffic Scan

Requires the following option to be enabled in the policy applied to the endpoint: Network Protection > General > Intercept Encrypted Traffic & Scan HTTPS.

How to check the requirements

To make sure your company and endpoints meet all the requirements for a specific feature to function, follow the steps below:

  1. Check the information above to identify the feature requirements.

  2. Check your company's license:

    1. Click on the drop down button on the upper right side of the screen and select My Company.

    2. Go to the Licensing tab and check that your license include access to the feature:

      • For yearly licenses - Check the License usage details section to make sure you have access to the feature. You can see what features each license includes by checking the Features by product.

        If your licenses do not have access to the feature, you can either replace your main license, or add an add-on.

      • For monthly subscriptions - Click the View monthly usage report button and check the Monthly Usage report to make sure make sure that the feature does not have a Not enabled status.

        If the feature is enabled for your company, contact your Partner.

    3. Go to the Reports page from the left side menu and check what policies are applied to your endpoints by running a Policy compliance report.

      Alternatively, you can go to the Network page from the left side menu and clicking on the endpoint you want to check to display the View endpoint details window. The information is available under the Policy tab.

    4. Go to the Policies page from the left side menu, click on the policy you want to check, and make sure it meets all feature requirements.

    5. Check any other requirements listed in the Additional dependencies column.

    6. Go to the Feature specific deployment guides page. There are multiple feature specific guides available that have in depth information on how to install, configure, and test out a specific feature.