Telegram has a global user base of 700 million users and earned its reputation as a secure chat platform in 2019-2020 when it became a tool used by protestors for organizing large groups. This was largely due to the group chat function, allowing a Telegram group to accommodate up to 200,000 members. Its "channels" features also provided organizers with a feed for posting updates while users could keep their phone numbers hidden.
However, there are notable privacy concerns. For instance, Telegram stores user data on its servers, including usernames, IP addresses, and device information. In the event of a court order related to terrorist activities, the platform may share this information with authorities. At the same time, a breach suffered by the company would expose users' personal information. Another concern is the "People Nearby" feature, which lets users see all nearby Telegram users, not just their contacts.
If you opt for "Nobody," you'll also have the option to determine "Who can find you by your number": either "everybody" or "your contacts." This allows you to control who can discover your profile or chat with you, even if they possess your phone number.
For maximum security while using Telegram, take the following measures:
Has your personal info been stolen or made public on the internet? Check now with Bitdefender's Digital Identity Protection. This dedicated identity protection service helps you stay on top of data breaches and privacy threats. With 24/7 monitoring and instant alerts, you'll be notified whenever your personal information is at risk.
Cristina is a freelance writer and a mother of two living in Denmark. Her 15 years experience in communication includes developing content for tv, online, mobile apps, and a chatbot.
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