Product Line

Bitdefender's security for Android smartphones and tablets uses in-the-cloud scanning technology to detect even the latest threats without putting a strain on the battery or slowing performance.Bitdefender for Mobile Security also provides information about billable services and applications' requirements to helpprotect privacy and data security.

SafeBox, Bitdefender's online storage solution, keeps an unlimited number of folders synchronized across devices, allows sharing of large files with a simple click, and works on PCs, iOS and Android devices to keep everything backed up and always available on all your devices.

Bitdefender Power TuneUp helps users get the most out of their smartphones and tablets by keeping them clean of temporary files, turning of unnecessary applications, tweaking settings to increase battery life and keeping cost under control by logging data traffic.

Our Experts

Meet our technical experts and product managers to learn how Bitdefender is bringing its years of innovation and dedication in the fight against malware to the world of smartphones and tablets with new products ranging from cutting edge security to utilities to optimize your devices.


Discover the future of mobile security as viewed through the eyes of experts on the front line of the war against malware. Learn how Android malware samples are evolving in the wild and what to expect in terms of new threats in 2012 and glimpse upcoming innovations in mobile security.

Press Kit

Download the full press kit for Bitdefender Mobile Security at this link (zip archive).

Download the full press kit for Bitdefender SafeBox at this link (zip archive).

Download the full press kit for Bitdefender Power TuneUp at this link (zip archive).

Book an Appointment

Interested in a business meeting with Bitdefender at the Mobile World Congress? Please click this link to book one.

Members of the media are invited to book meetings with Bitdefender at the Mobile World Congress by clicking this link.