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4 in 10 Security Cameras Are Vulnerable to Cyberattacks, Research Shows


January 21, 2020

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4 in 10 Security Cameras Are Vulnerable to Cyberattacks, Research Shows

Outdated camera software is one of the avenues paved for hackers, and it’s estimated that almost half of security cameras could be vulnerable to outside interference.

The Internet of Things encompasses anything with an online connection, and security cameras are a prime example. Their very function makes them likely targets for hackers, whose jobs are made easier when devices are not patched against vulnerabilities.

Keeping devices up to date is not a job only for the customers. The companies building the hardware need to provide the patches for any vulnerabilities discovered, but they often don’t. In some cases, patches arrive very slowly, if ever.

New research shows that 7 in 10 cameras use out-of-date firmware and 4 in 10 are vulnerable to hacking due to unpatched vulnerabilities. The problem is compounded by the fact that some people and companies still use the default login credentials provided by the manufacturer, which are usually publicly available.

This practice has largely been discontinued, but many security cameras in use today were bought years ago when secure login credentials weren’t a big concern. Nowadays, camera manufacturers require users to set up a new password during configuration, but that doesn’t solve all the problems. Some customers use the same credentials on all devices or use easy-to-guess user name and password combinations.

One issue likely to impact the entire IT industry is the ever-increasing number of reported vulnerabilities, according to Bitdefender’s 2020 Cybersecurity Predictions. But merely reporting a vulnerability won’t make a difference if manufacturers don’t step up and provide the necessary upgrades.




Silviu is a seasoned writer who followed the technology world for almost two decades, covering topics ranging from software to hardware and everything in between.

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